


My proposal is to show the effect of light on transparent objects. I want to be able to show how light can transform the shadows of transparent objects, and what is created by the interaction of these objects and light.

I'm going to do this by taking photos of transparent objects (that hold liquid such as perfume bottles) in sun lit settings

Monday 25 April 2011

Third Shoot

2 Year old

6 Year old

10 Year old

In this shoot I focused on shooting with a plain background, to emphasise the hands and to show the growth/ difference between the ages. I also took photos at different zooms, to try and get different effects.





I like these three images because they focus on the hands very well.
I think the soft background in the 2year old's image shows how at this age/ time of growth we're still fragile and innocent.
I like the 6year old image because of how the bracelets help illustrate the character of this hand.
The ten year old image has an immense focus on the hand. 

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